Liliia Lambert



If you dropped in on my site, it means I can help you. Nothing in this world happens just like that.

Today, when official medicine is “fragmented” into narrow profile specialists who try to solve the consequences of the problem, more and more people realize that our body is one whole system that demands an integrated approach to treatment. This is exactly what the osteopathy deals with.

The problems that osteopaths most often face are: headaches, insomnia, stress, depression, gastrointestinal problems, leg and back pain, sports injuries, gynecological/urological problems, infertility, aesthetic problems, rejuvenation etc.

There are many techniques and methods in my arsenal, but you do not need to understand all of them. Just tell about your problem, and I will select the method that will be most effective in your case, taking into account the general condition and all the pecularities. Every client gets purely individual approach.

I will be glad to see you in my office!

Be sound!


Osteopathy is a vitalistic medicine in which the patient’s body is viewed as a single, self-healing mechanism and in which the osteopath deals directly with the root cause of the disease.

Treatment indications

  • Problems related to the mechanical and nervous systems, such as pain, discomfort, and dysfunction of muscles, joints, and related structures;
  • Falls, injuries, consequences of impaired posture, muscle tention;
  • Emotional stress and conditions associated with stress;
  • Rehabilitation after COVID-19;
  • Accompanying during the setting and wearing of braces;
  • Headaches;

3000 UAH

/ 40 - 60 min

This technique consists in sequential manual impact on the abdominal organs according to a specific system, thereby restoring the correct location of the internal organs and resuming blood circulation in the organs themselves and their periorgan space.

Treatment indications

  • Gastrointestinal diseases – digestive disorders, gastritis, colitis, stomach ulcers and duodenal bulbs, constipation, hemorrhoids
  • Malfunctions of the liver, gallbladder, pancreas – pancreatitis, cholecystitis, non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Possible rehabilitation of patients after removal of the gallbladder
  • Kidney disorders – pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, cystitis, urinary incontinence


3000 UAH

/ 40 - 60 min

The basic principle of this method is to find a specific area of fascia associated with a certain limitation of mobility. Once this limited or painful movement is detected by applying the appropriate technique to a precisely defined point in the fascia, the fascial therapist restores fullness and painlessness of the movement.

Treatment indications

  • postoperative and post-traumatic disorders associated with the occurrence of scars, adhesions
  • lumbar pain, disorders in the sacrum and pelvis
  • pain in the cervical and thoracic spine
  • Rehabilitation after COVID-19;
  • tunnel syndromes
  • digestive system disorders
  • whiplash injuries and rehabilitation after injuries
  • respiratory diseases – bronchitis, asthma, sinusitis, etc.


3000 UAH

/ 40 - 60 min

The main purpose of myofascial massage is to correct aesthetic problems, relieve tension in tissues and improve the overall health of the human body.

The use of myofascial sculptural plastics has a rejuvenating effect on the body, improves the overall aesthetic appearance, and also positively affects the psycho-emotional state and the nervous system as a whole.

Fascial massage is a serious alternative to injection methods, which has no age restrictions.

Treatment indications

  • reduction in body volume;
  • the formation of more pronounced body contours;
  • smoothing the pastosity effect of face and body;
  • reduction of mimic wrinkles;
  • eye shape restoration;
  • reduction and second chin prevention;
  • face oval correction;
  • mouth corner lifting;;
  • eyebrow lifting;


3000 UAH

/ 40 - 60 min

Aesthetic modeling primarily improves the appearance of the face and low neckline, making the contours clearer. The skin becomes elastic, acquiring a natural healthy color. With the help of myoplasty, small wrinkles and “bags” under the eyes are reduced.

In addition, myofascial modeling relieves muscle tension in the facial and neck muscles, and after the session, blood circulation and microcirculation, venous and lymphatic drainage improves throughout the body.

Treatment indications

  • Face oval deformation
  • “Double chin” effect
  • Mimic and age wrinkles
  • Face and under-eyes puffiness
  • Decreased muscle tone
  • Facial asymmetry
  • “Tired” skin, gray complexion
  • Rashes on the face
  • Emotional fatigue and exhaustion


3000 UAH

/ 40 - 60 min

Welcome to the space of harmony and healing! If you are looking for a solution to your physical or emotional problems, want to release blocks, tension or find inner balance – my remote practice is created for you. I offer several unique formats of work that combine osteopathic techniques, energy correction and an individual approach to each client. You can get professional support from anywhere in the world without leaving your home.

Work formats:

  • Independent osteopathic correction
  • Completely remote energy work
  • Remote osteopathic work
  • Additional tools for deeper impact


3000 UAH

/ 40 - 60 min


Give your care to your loved ones

I offer you an exclusive gift certificate in the form of a commemorative coin (coin), 45 mm in size.
The unique design of the certificate will highlight your creativity in choosing a gift

The certificate does not have an expiration date, so the person to whom it will be presented as a gift will be able to pay with it at any time, thus paying for any of my services.

You can also purchase it for yourself, insuring your investment in beauty and health against increased cost of sessions.

*By default, the coin is in a clear plastic container of the same size.

* Cost – UAH 3 000 (valid for any of the services)

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