Osteopathy is a vitalistic medicine in which the patient's body is viewed as a single, self-healing mechanism and in which the osteopath deals directly with the root cause of the disease.
It is also a branch of soft manual therapy in which the osteopath's hands are used for both diagnosis and treatment.
Only in a few countries, including ours, some osteopathic schools divide osteopathy into 3 sections - structural, visceral and cranial, graduating students of a "narrow" osteopathic specialization, teaching only some areas, which discredits this profession.
Classical osteopathy combines all these areas and more. A fully trained specialist works with the musculoskeletal system, visceral (internal organs), cranial (skull), fascial, reproductive, nervous, circulatory, etc., generally speaking, with the whole organism.
The list below demonstrates that osteopathic treatment is cost effective and can significantly reduce a patient's need for medical treatment by exposing them to fewer diagnostic tests and reducing the risk of complications.
You also need to understand that osteopathy is not an ambulance, but restorative medicine.
- Problems related to the mechanical and nervous systems, such as pain, discomfort, and dysfunction of muscles, joints, and related structures;
- Falls, injuries, consequences of impaired posture, muscle tention;
- Emotional stress and conditions associated with stress;
- Rehabilitation after COVID-19;
- Accompanying during the setting and wearing of braces;
- Headaches;
- Insomnia;
- Decreased functionality of body systems;
- digestive problems;
- Circulatory disorders;
- Respiratory diseases;
- Disfunction of the ear, throat, nose;
- Diseases of the genitourinary system;
- Problems with gynecology, infertility;
- Birth injury;
- Urological dysfunctions, problems with potency;
- Consequences of infectious diseases;
- Recovery after injuries and operations;
- The presence of an adhesive process;
- Problems related to sports at all levels;
- Problems with pregnancy (as well as its support) and children;
- Decrease in the level of drug intake (in some cases, their complete abolition);
- Lack of a clear reason for consultation, but the person does not feel “balanced”
- Acute inflammatory process;
- Increased body temperature;
- Bleeding;
- Fractures;
- Situations requiring urgent surgical intervention.
*there is also a number of relative contraindications, where not all osteopathic techniques can be used. The presence of these contraindications is clarified directly during the survey.
- Thrombosis;
- Aneurysms of the abdominal aorta;
- Ulcers with bleeding;
- Organ transplants;
- foreign bodies (intrauterine spirals, rhythm drivers, coronary stents, etc.)